Southeast Medical Marijuana Updates
Mississippi’s medical cannabis program is currently full steam ahead, as the product is hitting shelves at an impressive rate. Patients are finally receiving much-needed relief.
At the end of February, Mississippi had over 2,500 registered patients. The Mississippi Department of Health appeared to process around 200 patient applications per week.
The Mississippi Cannabis Patients Alliance is an excellent resource for patients with qualifying conditions to find medical practitioners in their area.
New medical cannabis establishments are being licensed every day; however, there appears to be a backlog in granting work permits. HAT Law encourages all interested individuals to start their work permit application.
On Feb. 13, 2023, an undisclosed number of hopeful Alabama Cannabis Establishment Applicants received notice of deficiencies. These applicants were given until Friday, March 3, 2023, to refile their corrected applications. According to the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission, these corrected applications will be reviewed and determined “correct or not” on April 13, 2023. It is estimated by AMCC that the initial licenses will be granted on June 12, 2023. We expect a large number of appeals to occur following AMCC’s denial of licenses.
Senate Bill 1104, the “Tennessee Medical Cannabis Act,” died in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Feb. 28, 2023. The Judiciary Committee rejected the conservative medical cannabis program on a 6-3 vote. A second bill is set to go before a subcommittee in the coming weeks, but many believe that Tennessee will remain one of only eleven states with no medical cannabis program.
Louisiana’s medical cannabis program is slowly but surely getting started. Nine dispensaries have been licensed. The Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners is reviewing at least 62 physician applications in order to license physicians to recommend medical cannabis. All cannabis will be produced under the control of Louisiana State University and Southern Louisiana University.
HAT Law is constantly monitoring cannabis news across the Southeast. If you have any questions about these developments, please contact HAT Law’s Cannabis Legal Team.
Julie Mitchell, J.D., LL.M.,, 601-707-4039