Cannabis Law: Medical Marijuana in Mississippi Long-Term Care Facilities
On May 7, 2021, the Mississippi Department of Health released regulations pertaining to medical marijuana in long-term care facilities.
Participating facilities
Facilities, including assisted living, nursing homes, hospice programs and intermediate care facilities who are participating in the medical marijuana program must be approved as a Caregiver Institution/Program.
Facility requirements
Approved long-term care facilities may adopt some reasonable requirements on the use of medical marijuana by their residents/clients, including:
- Facility not storing/maintaining the patient’s supply
- Only identified caregivers are responsible for facilitating the use of medical marijuana by qualified patients.
- Only physicians affiliated with the long-term care facilities can provide physician certification for individuals for seeking to participate in Mississippi’s medical marijuana program.
- Medical marijuana is to be consumed by a method other than smoking.
- Medical marijuana is to be consumed only in a place specified by the facility.
- Plans for safe administration and monitoring of residents/clients who use medical marijuana
The only thing long-term care facilities are not allowed to do is unreasonably limit a qualified patient’s access to or use of medical marijuana.
Physician requirements for palliative care
The proposed regulations give details on physician requirements for the use of medical marijuana as a component of palliative care. The caregiver institution/program is responsible for ensuring the physician’s license is unrestricted through the Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure and that the physician is practicing within their area of specialty.
For more information about medical marijuana in Mississippi long-term care facilities, click here.